see this pics, udah lama gw ngeblog gak pake foto...
but hari ini gw harus tumpahin uneg-uneg yang gw liat. a friend of mine (anthon) nasehatin gw, and now maybe I understand what it means. I mean, like a song, it more than just a rhythm and melodies. Like a song, there are so much more to see. Pandangan gw sempit, dan blinded. Tapi di sisi lain juga, gw capek. harus begini terus, so not me. Fake happiness that I made seems so fake and I told you to be happy, tapi gw malah gak bisa be happy all time that I want. But I see the boundaries and limitations that I have. and I know akhir-akhir ini gw susah banget untuk bersyukur atas apa yang gw dapet. I have changed so much, dulu gw bisa survive, tapi sekarang gw drowning dengan diri gw sendiri. Gw malah gak bisa kenal gw sendiri. Who am I? I need an identity
Dari FB jong, dia tulis begini : If the whole world were listening, I would say "Please remember that you are important, you are valuable, you are wanted, you are loved, and you are needed..." Yes, gw jadi termotivasi. I also want the world to know, I do need them, I do need world speaks to me, I do need the world to believe me, Please, dont make me ended with a day dream. harusnya gw harus bisa happy. tapi nyatanya terkadang enggak, Len so much more to see, thats it, be happy, be reliable, be flexible.
Gw harus dan pasti bisa begini:
Phal, when the world doesnt have any faith on you, show your faith to them. I will mark this day and move on. Bersyukur atas smuanya, kadang sulit dan gak tau gimana cara ngejelasin itu smua. Thanks for the friends that You have give and thanks for Your guidance Lord during sem exams and I achieved the best that I can xD
nite all
- thanks guys, and Lord, please forgive me for everything. I know it happens to us all, every kind of people fall, do we have the heart to carry on?