There is something more important than that.
Love you Jesus, thanks for coming to this world. I love You, forgive me If I have done too many mistakes in my life. Happy birthday my dearest Father and friend.
Aku mungkin belum punya kado natal, atau lebih tepatnya belum dan gak minta kado natal itu. Mungkin valen udah punya kado itu tersendiri. dan itu bener-bener spesial. Kado itu gak harus barangkan?
But Today I treated myself Christmas presents
I was hanging out with Kak Jul, Lusye, and Lina.
Saya nonton avatar lagi. dan I bought these things to make me feel happy...
see? these things make me happy. well itu sederhana banget, tapi I like it. Pertama, sarung hape merah dengan pola kucing :DDD
Lalu... Beard papa's cream puffs =D itu enak! dan yea i feel like i want to buy it
Last but not least, lollipops! :DDD
Well. gw udah menggila deh ama kak jul dan yang lain. And one of the best things hari ini, jope and I both like Avatar. dan jope is now so busted jayusnya parah!!!!
nih plesetannya dia:
Toruk macto basilus (lacto basilus) plesetan jayus
*** parah banget deh jayusnya
one more time, merry christmas friends. TO: jope&nia, jessie thya lina lusye kak julius, anthon isa lauren, jess g finna, Jong farah , donny rico fita atilla lita febri priska rina aska, trifena chessa priscil kezia Y kezia F, dan semua yang gw gak bisa sebutin satu-satu :DDD
have a blessed time
**and in december posts I'm super camera-friendly valen. be joy people!
makasih yaaa tataaa ;D
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