Sunday, December 12, 2010

I call this, Gratitude.

Gratitude. Maaf gua bener-bener mepet dan bikin postingan ini, entah abis apa yang gw alamin, timbul satu kata dibenak gw yang bernama GRATITUDE. Bisa artinya kita menunjukkan ke orang bagaimana mereka telah ngebantu kita. Atau rasa terima kasih dari hati dengan perasaan (dari karakter mandarinnya liat deh ada xin hati di bawahnya.)

Gw di sini terbatas sebagai manusia. Gw yg tadinya berpikir jadi ketua panitia Natal itu sulit, dan ternyata masih ada temen yg masih bisa gw minta tolong untuk ngebantu ambil bagian dalam acara ini. Tentunya rasa terima kasih gw ini pertama BANGET untuk Papa Lord. Untuk segala apa udah yg Dia kasih dan atur dalam hidup gw. Untuk segala bantuan dan hikmat.

Gw tau rasanya gw muda dan kecil banget untuk tanggung jawab begini. Gw masih mau coba ngejalanin dengan yg terbaik. Jalanin apa yang ada. kadang di waktu khusus pas sekolah atau kapan malah gw juga agak nya memprioritaskan acara Natal ini. gw pengen ini berkesan buat bnyk orang apalagi anak panti, buat gw sendiri mungkin khususnya soalnya ini kedua kalinya mimpin acara besar dan mau gw jadiin pengalaman gw.

Rasa terimakasih gw keknya ga cukup rasanya cuma gw ketik atau gw omongin, :") ya mungkin terlihat sepele tapi menurut gw ini sangat mengesankan dan berarti secara khusus. Banyak kekurangan dan kelebihan tersendiri tapi ya "experience is always the best teacher."

Buat yang berpartisipasi sbagai panitia Joyful Youth's Christmas langsung maupun gak langsung, yang bela-belain dateng, bantu2, repot2, bantu2 ngurus anak panti, semuanya makasih juga ya :)

Gw share sesuatu. Abis gw sms kalo gw berterimakasih bgt, Jessie bales SMS gw.... "thanks jg len, sorry ga bantu bnyk2. you are being a great leader." thanks jes, tapi satu hal yg masih gw rasain, kayaknya gw masih jauh dari kata itu. gw ambil sbagai 'compliment' tapi rasanya kerjanya gw masih belum total. Untuk selanjutnya harus bisa lebih lagi.

Lalu ada lagi SMS Friska yang ngebuat gw tersentuh abis belajar, asli gak tau kenapa. jadi ngebuat gw pengen banget nulis hal ini. sebelumnya gw bukan ngebuka privacy asal, tapi emang kalo gak gw tulis, rasanya gak mantep (?)

Friska Yuzelia, 12 Dec 2010 20:50
Valen, hehe lupa ngomong. maaf yah semenjak waktu itu gw jadi seksi dana kurang maksimal, tapi semuanya udah jadi pelajaran gw sama lita kok. maap juga yah udah ngerepotin lu, tapi gw seneng aja dagang, seru masak2nya, bikinnya, the best lah. tetap semangat yah. GBU

Gw sempet bengong dulu...... Mikir, harusnya gw jg yg minta maaf kalo dalam sistemnya gw berantakan. Jadi ketua dan direpotin itu suatu resiko kan? tapi gak terbayangkan dari gw, friska bilang dia enjoy semua hal itu dan dia sama lita bisa belajar dari sana. :') Super makasih banget. waktu itu emang gw pernah sampein rasa khawatir gw, eh ternyata dana udah tercukupkan. mereka yg tetap sok heboh pas jualan yg teriak2, "len len eh gini len..." yg suka sms "Len, bingung mau dagang apa..." tapi mereka tetap semangat dagang dan juga dulu gw pilih mereka jadi seksi dana dadakan soalnya pepeb minta ganti. dan ternyata bisa jadi berkat buat tiap kita :)

Buat semua nyaaaa dari wakil sampe ke om kace yang mungkin gw ga bisa sebutin satu2, makasih semua. Lain kali harus lebih kompak lagi dan acara harus tambah maju. amin :D

Gw juga ikut seneng, banyak yg bisa belajar dari pengalaman ini. Bagi orang ini biasa aja. Buat gw ini berkat Luar biasa sebelum gw exam! I can accomplished big thing, with Papa Lord yet friends. Keep motivated guys :) GB

senin bsk ujian mulai! I can do it and conquer the exams, cuz Papa Lord is in me. And yeah do my best and concentrate :* nighties

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

234 posts

hey today is another harpitnas! hahah I had a long day today. Jadi begini ceritanya, secara ya membantu dan mengurus sebagai panitia natal umum dan ketua panitia pemuda maka alkisah pergilah saya dengan kawan kawan berbelanja kebutuhan. jadi disuruh kumpul jam 8. saya sampai on time namun yak ngaret brangkat jam stngah 10 deh. crewnya: thya, cha2, samuel, santos, and ko rico

eaa di jakarta, daerah asemka. Muter muter muter muter saking banyaknya toko dan rame beudh ampe puyeng. makan dengan budget yang mahal, namun harga dengan rasa tidak pernah bohong. emang enakkkkk. hahaha udah ampe stres mau beliin perlengkapan apa aja milih apapun dan menawar dengan cara gak santai dikit. *walau kadang harganya ga dapet

pulang k lotte mart, blanja lagi. to be honest gw dah lemes. yet gw bakal tmbh ga mood blajar. huhuuuuu sampai d rumah sempet blajar bntar dan ntn bola. congrats indo you've won again. aaaa capek.

turned out samuel is a jakarta GPS, tau smua tmpat gt. well capeeeek

miss him there :* *the weasleys*
and dear ***e kalo mau ngmngin orang nengok dulu k bawah masih d darat apa engga! tapi btw GBU ya

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Welcoming December!

Welcoming December! Another Christmas, another exams. Yet, another holiday. Gampang banget emosi blakangan ini, fuu. pressure is on. and yeah cant overcome it.

panel discussion done! and practicals tomorrow, wish me luck and pray for me. Papa Lord is always beside me ;D

Had a chat yesterday with bestie, jope. such a long time we dont have a chat. ahhaha :) it was quite good.

as you see there was an unpublished post. i think i cancelled to finish that post and publish it. humm :( kay, gnite!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

....... *sigh*

Hollo.... I mean hello. Galau nih malam2 gini. tiba tiba tadi abis mom pulang gereja sore, ngobrol sambil gw main laptop.

mom: ce, anaknya om henry.... *blaablaa* dia skolah di ........ yang kayak kamu mau dulu
me: ................ tuhkan! mami sih ga percaya itu skolahnya bagus!
mom: iya tnyata, ada *blaa...blaaa*
me: sayang ya, aku udah SMA
mom: coba aja dulu

taa-daaa, ada chance pindah nih, ambil apa enggak yaaa.... hummz

Saturday, November 20, 2010


If you love someone tell them, because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.
-Pamela Daranjo

but you know, sometimes me or you just cant do the same thing, right? I just cant say it, coz if i think of it, being friends is better?

or is it because of my ego? Am I ready to have or run a relationship? Have I found the right guy? or else?

#justsaying tho :)

Friday, November 19, 2010


yeah, The Beatles.


then, next monday, Java Jazz Festival will open the ticket box! santana is coming.
and for tmrw, lauren and pehi asked me to join them watch HP 7 part 1.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

picturial post!

yaaaay~ tomorrow is a holiday! refreshment in the middle of the day. dan thanks thya for today. went out to shop around and ended this day with dinner and chitchat at waroeng steak!

some posts with pics, to prevent boredom.

i miss snow! Tangerang is a very hot place!
*this picture below of my bro with ci suzie and ko iwan, was taken by me. and it looks like a movie poster, which I really adore*

want some culinary attack? some seafood platter as the main course.
And being accompanied with this black-olive-oil-garlic spaghetti

u know silly bandz? its a trend rite now. I have some of them. cute.

:D cheers. tomorrow am visiting the foster community with some friends, yeah.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Lord has set me free. I cried a lot during friday night praying session. I needed God to take away the pain and let control things. It turned out to be okay. thanks, He has guaranteed winning this obstacles!

and for some people, yang berkomplot, God has the answer, tinggal tunggu tanggal mainnya kita dibenarkan :)

i had eating disorder, I just ate my dinner 10,30 pm while i only had small breakfast, i had starbucks coffee with beef quiche, skipped lunch, drank cocacola with empty stomach, and super late dinner. :(


Thursday, November 11, 2010

maybe you just dont have the idea, what I've been through...
Selamat malam. Actually my eyes are sleepy and I stuck in a moment which I think I have too much pressure on it. I think about it too much. I typed this I nearly cry. I have met serious problems but its like my problems are my own responsibility. I am handling big things for this December. But as you know, one of the major things happen as well soon.

But I prioritize something else, which I was glad Lord has given me the chance to lead. I'm young, too young, or even really really young for such job like this. it was out of my mind, why did friends choose me, instead somebody else thats older than me, that has more time, that has everything more than me.

But things get too complicated. I am confused so confused. I'm a human as well, I do have a heart. But my burdens I keep it all for me, I asked when I dont meet the answer halfway of the trouble. Cos I deeply understand, they have got things to do. Me too, I have some, i dont wanna be selfish, but the pressure is keep on going.

Parents, school, and such. I know to serve is such a blessing! But I just met the point where, Help? Hello... help, get me solve this problems. I've been thinking about my parents, I knew they have some troubles. I knew it. Simple? But its also I cant do anything as well. It has hurt them deeply. Which I also felt it too. when I knew about this, I was extremely mad, whoever that has broken my parents heart, better dont get me near you. I was about to throw my camera lens to the person, *i'm not joking, heavenly serious. you can buy another lens, but you can't buy a new heart to replace the broken hearted one*

Is this the way to take to another level? I just havent met the solutions yet. I wanna be happy and enjoying all this stuff again, but apparently I dont feel it that way. Conditions and pressure have made me stuck. I want to break the limitations, I think I have the courage, but age and all is also boundaries for me.

i dont know how to end this properly.

I requested for help for me, parents and friends on duty

i need a room to breathe

i need a music to chill me out

i need time to done my school works and study

one step at a time? (jordin sparks) and should we soar 'again I say rejoice?' (i&nb) cos when Back to you (john mayer) i might have the triumph (pitbull). Hey problems, nothing on you (b.o.b ft bruno mars) baby.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

sometimes, i just dont get what have been happening around. I just dont. Dont know why

Friday, October 29, 2010

Little things I wanna say - 222 posts

its me, i'm back after kinda-long-paused time to write.

Little things I wanna say...

I wanna say Thanks Lord, even though I fell for same mistakes, You always love me. Please let me and teach me to change day by day

I have world's greatest parents ever. Lord is teaching me how to be grateful. They're just really great!!!~

For friends, thanks for all the joy. Even sometimes I feel really lonely and being left behind, but just thank you for the happiness :)

For my church team-mates thanks for supporting me as the christmas leader! We did fun things and I enjoyed it.

Thanks for the music! They are so inspiring to me. :)

Just believe in Lord, He solves problems. #prayforIndonesia bcos of tsunami, merapi's eruption, and flood.

Let me be Your tool :)

Miss hanging out with old friends....

Wanna watch step up 3D havent watched it yet up til now :(

stop being careless

Lately stomachache easily attacks me. this have been the 2nd week.

Taylor Swift sings what every girls want to say. Bruno Mars sings what every girls want to hear. #tumblrsays
Club cant handle me is one of the toppest songs in my iPod

Just wanna say, I'm not afraid.... I know that You're with me always. - Just Wanna Say. Israel H

Soooo sleepy tho but i'm still typing

Dont give up!

Thanks God for the PTC results

some lyrics:

Earthquakes cant shake us
Cyclones cant break us
Hurricanes cant take away our love
-Pyramid Charice ft. Iyaz

I wanna hold your hand!
- The beatles

sleepy. mual. sakit perut lagi. :(. adios. nite. Gbu

Monday, October 25, 2010

that was a hard week, i've been through. never knew what, but Lord keeps the best plan for now :) amen

Saturday, October 16, 2010


YEAH, thanks God exams results udah keluar. ea, ada yang gak sesuai sama harapan sih. tapi its okay since I've tried my best. Gak sesuai hasil: math and physics. humm harusnya add math jg gak jelek T-T but let it be lah. :)

HA! I had a nice time these days. Suka overslept.... I watch korean drama. :D udah jadul sih, tapi for me one of the best k-dramas ever. orang ribut Boys Before Flowers kek, ato apa. still for me Princess Hours grabbed my heart. Then Full House ;) and Jewel in the palace would do. 

pas ntn princess hours, gw juga mikir *saking serius nontonnya* ada gak ya cowo kayak shin? diem, keliatan dingin, tapi when it comes dia udah "fall" ama girl yang bisa ubah hidup dia, dia juga jadi hangat dan sayangnya tuh asli/"genuine". ;)

fave dialoguesssss: 
"CG is my wife. We made our own decisions. I think it cannot be done. Does it mean when she's sick she needs to go home? I am very confused, I need her by my side now."

"What do I have to do to make you eat?" 

"Even though I'm not the crown prince anymore, please stay by my side." *hug*

to ex gf--> "I think I've fallen for her already..." *leave*

when he forbids his wife to go home, " If I allow you to leave, you will for sure, wont be returning here again"

"did you know how worry I was?"

"i dont hate you. why did you think that way? i just be careful"

CG: "without me, will it be boring?"
shin:" It will be empty." 

"How about if we live together for another 100 year?"

ah! that drama is just too sweet. #justsaying :) 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Octo- 1. -pus. 2.-ber

Hey all long time no see. Just finished my exams tho. welcoming octopus october. :D
waitin for results *which hopefully I've done my best* and also sometime to get freedom!
recently needs: HAIRCUT~ and shoes B) xoxo

pssh! updated playlist. Just the way you are by Bruno mars and By my side- David choi.
Love . Love . Love .

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear Lord part 2

Malam smua! Hum gak bisa tidur setelah hari ini tepar karena sakit perut dan mual parah. Udah tidur lebih dari 3 jam, jadi susah tidur cepet. padahal mau banget istirahat. banyak masalah ya yang lagi dihadepin. lagi ga sering promote blog, soalnya things here a bit personal for a moment.

kayaknya lagi gak sanggup ngapa-ngapain. serba ga fokus, everything is in the wrong place. ketinggalan apa-apa. cepet tepar huff. kinda lagi jarang ngomong with close friends around. while I am preparing for mid sem exams and also being the...... president of my youth's christmas celebration. 

should study hard for circle equations and also.... vectors. I guess so.

Lord, I know You will guide us. may I ask something? Please open the way to know my talents and gifts. I dont know whats my real potential :(

udah ah ga bisa tulis banyak2, ga bisa mellow. dan istirahat biar cepet sembuh. bye Gbu

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Lord part 1,

Dear Lord, keknya kasihMu emang gak berkesudahan. I got tons of stories that I wanna say. Kadang gak bisa dijelasin dengan kata-kata. Ampe kadang mo ngomong langsung *doa* udah kehilangan kata-kata. (ini ga ada mksd lebay, if you ever experienced this, its true)  

kadang apa ya, *bingung mau mulai dari mana*, Papa Lord, I think I might be in a wrong place. I typed that because of what I feel. maybe I dont have that particular talents or gifts or maybe I need to work harder? I dont understand or maybe someone else's better than me, but its okay.

But still Pa, I feel bad about it. I dont want to make parents or nearby people down because of me. Maybe I should change the way I am? I dont know, but I believe its about being me, myself. 
Or I should learn being more and more grateful?

aduh, keknya banyak banget gw ngomong maybe di atas...... tapi ya gitulah -_- curhat dulu diblog. lagi bingung mau cerita ama siapa. fuh I cried today. because of headache, jadi nya add math ga maksimal, ga bisa konsen lagi. but, after I felt a bit better, I didnt feel scared or what, enevthough I thought the result will be bad. seemed like I found my own peace. thanks God! 

Just need to do more studies, I think. esp add math and circle equations. 

lanjut ntar...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fine Dining episode 1

postingan ini tentang makanan pas di italy nya. A fine dining resto, open-air resto. with live music and also sing along together after having our dinner. we sang VOLARE!
Here's Bruschetta. did I spell it correctly? Like the one in pizza hut. with chicken, beef, and the one with pork. Served with ham as well

This is the real pasta. The spaghetti didnt use any tomato sauce here or any meatballs. And they served it with the *iforgotthename* of pasta. which taste kinda good. 

This steak is served with the big bones as well. It was medium-well cooked. So its not totally cooked. Lil bit hard but its okay.

Our dessert! tiramisu ice cream ;3 nyumm

and last but not least, a glass of wine.

that's it for now. :) dont drool :D


by thee way! I'm currently in love with this song. 

REALIZE! by Colbie Caillat

here's the lyrics and updated music player :)

Take time to realize
That your warmth is crashing down on in
Take time to realize that I am on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you

But I can't spell it out for you
No, it's never gonna be that simple
No, I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other now

Take time to realize, oh, oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize, this all can pass you by
Didn't I tell you

But I can't spell it out for you
No, it's never gonna be that simple
No, I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if we missed out on each other

But, it's not all the same, no, it's never the same
If you don't feel it to, if you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other and we'll never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder

Just realize what I just realized
If you just realize what I just realized
Ooh, ooh

Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now, yeah
Realize, realize, realize, realize, oh


How I miss you boy, dan gimana pas gw baru nemuin orang yang pas di saat yang gak pas. yes, take time to realize. huff... Hope, he will realize. long time no chat or even text message.

Let the Journey Begins

hummmm actually, I went to....................................


didnt you read that?




thanks to Papa Lord, so I could have this wonderful chance to go to beautiful places! thanks to my parents as well who really willing to pay the $$$ money for the journey... need some pictures? Here, I will post it! 

Here is me! A sneak-peek of amateur photographer. Can you guess how did I capture this image? :DD
Here is the view of the Vatican! Great view isnt it? Really look like the one in angels and demons! For more pictures inside the church, later on!
My parents with ko charles and ci shierly together. A candid shot, it looks like a movie poster? For me is a yes. OH! like a sinetron as well.
Favorable snacks ever. WE dont have this YET in Indonesia. It's yummy and look its so expensive. 3.50 euro multiply with Rp11,550,00 = to.... how much? yes, you guys do the maths please. ada minumnya loh! and when I took this picture, the straw looked like pop-out for real from the place! actually its only a picture from the cover.
and the next day! trip to Pisa tower.... but I should upload some foods from fine dining! More of it, soon!

enjoy the pictures. currently thinking of the name for my trademark. hihi whats good for it?
and I'm watching scary movie 4. still, this late. lil bit of jetlag! huhuhu

I miss him. and I shared some stories with Finna :)
so bye all! Gbu

Friday, September 17, 2010


bakal percaya gak kalo ini gw masih amat melek gara2 jetlag? Iya setelah melebihi 14 jam duduk d pesawat T-T ampe gw resize photos, ampe chatting ngebacot ama si ivan rangga grade 9[E] haha, twitteran, apus2in data laptop, ga ngantuk juga... -_- eh ade gw jg ternyata masih melek. 

heran gw, hum bokap nyokap dah terlelap, gw masih bisa ngetik berirama nih d laptop, bsk kan mau pergi jg siangnya. aduh belom beres2 juga tapi jadwal mulai sibuk lagi. besok abis review pelajaran, gw bakalan ada rapat pemuda lagi pas malemnya. ga mungkin gw tinggal secara gw dah balik. huff. what now, I got nothing to say. abis bahan blogging gw tuh mau pake pictures biar interesting. tapi ga akan gw buat skarang.

haruskah gw paksa tidur? udah parah banget nih! hum Lord help me please... 
tandain ya, jam laptop gw skarang jam 3:35, gw masih keikutan waktu sono yaitu jam 22:35.
sabar abis deh gw, salam subuh

Long time!

Hello. Long time no see bloggie. How I miss to share tons of my thoughts and stories. How I want to pour out the words I cant explain. How I know the limited time to write on my blog in my hectic schedules. 

for those of you who celebrate it, sorry. very late posting and greetings hehehe :)
due to my long trip. hehe *soon you will know*

and p.s: i'm currently having jetlag. so I cant sleep. tralalla how happy was it? still, I need more sleeps
and, thinking to delete this blog and make the new one. ;p

Sunday, August 15, 2010

2nd time

I just re-write my math tho... And I am bored. Thus, gonna share my agendas. I wanna prove that I'm busy and I'm the good girl at the same time, :D I did all the tasks. May Lord bless in me on this week onwards, more and more deeper. Gonna have 1st biology unit test, which content of two chapters, nutrition and enzymes. Hope I can make it. 

These are the proves, that besides I join the IGCSE classes, I also busy with these:

try to enjoy and struggle at the beginning of high school life. :D surviveee! 


UHM! attention :D Saya sedang bosan di hari Minggu yang menurut gw supeeeeeer sepi. aaaaaah gonna spend it all tho to study biology.... tapi ntar aja, saya sangat bosan dan jadinya blogging aja. lebih baik sedikit menulis, membaca, dan berhitung supaya stabil. :D 

pas waktu parasailing! it does look like a parachute right? YES! it reflects my gratitude to parachute band. They are like the new black in music. I always always love their songs and some of their lyrics. YES and lately I enjoy music jam sessions even though sibuk dengan hal skolah. ada suatu hal jg yg bikin gw takut, itu freakkkk parah tapi ga bisa bilang ._.

sip imma grab my durcol *tidurcolongan* alias tidur siang~ buhbyeeee Gbu

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I realllllllllllllly am going to say the truth. HOW HECTIC MY SCHOOL IS, i dont even get my freedom! haha but just try to enjoy it tho. humm and i am chosen to be the flag raising troops for our independence day! yay i have no more stuff to tell, too much. and i'm sleepy already

and happy birthday dear people! PEBE, cha-cha, jim, belinda, etc :D oh yaaa, ms shanty too

Monday, August 2, 2010

Warm August

Gak berasa yaaaa udah Agustus. wow, gonna share something dr anthun sbelum kesibukan menggila. :) enjoy

I think no one can explain the true definition of happiness, even a scientist, because it is a feeling that you can’t describe. In dictionary, it says that happiness is the feeling of being happy. From the definition from [in] the dictionary, I think that happiness is the product of some reaction, which means that something causes. We cannot feel happy without knowing something, seeing something, or doing something; that proves that happiness is the result of something and needs to realize.

About two years ago, I asked myself, ‘why are most children happy?’ and I did not know the answer, so, I thought about it when I have free time and try to understand. In the end I did not get the answer for a simple question that I asked myself. I thought I would never know the answer, so I gave up looking for the answer. One day, I was walking to my friend’s house and I passed a small shop, I bought two ice-creams - one for myself and one for my friend. On the way to my friend’s house I saw a child fall down from her bike, and there was no one there except me. I decided to go help her, as she was crying and bleeding when I reached her. She tried to get up after that, and without thinking, I gave the ice-cream to her and told her to sit down. She took the ice-cream that I gave her and ate it. I saw a smile on her face after she ate the ice-cream, and she thanked me, saying that no one usually helps her, so, she did not expect that I would. An idea crossed my mind about why children are always feel happy -- because they never chase after happiness. They let happiness follow them.

There are many people who want to feel happy, but, there is only one group of people who actually searches for it. The other group is just dreaming about feeling happy and wishing that happiness would come by itself. I think happiness is not an easy word to get or to feel. We cannot predict when it will come and when it will be gone, and where happiness is hiding when sadness comes, but I believe that sadness or difficult situations always come before happiness, because the results of sadness or difficult situations are  will lead to happiness.

Some people believe that happiness will come when you have found the best way to live your life; some people say that happiness is not about other people’s feelings but what you feel inside your heart; there also people who see happiness as a thing to achieve. There more than a thousand ways to see happiness, but I think happiness is caused by all things even sadness, if there are no such thing as sadness - there won’t be a noun called happiness

sometimes, i felt it the sameway. i want happiness to come over me :)

Gbu guys. enjoy xoxo

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I should have spoken out.....

Just changed my playlist. Isinya sih lagu mellow gua smua... Hahaha lagi in mood untuk lagu begitu :D  ada the mess i made, faithfully and pokerface acoustic version. :) tiap kali denger ya bisa mellow gt, sok sedih.tapi move on dong, kadang gmn yah something beyond us yang ga bisa kesampean kali yaa? :)

Check it out! one of my favorites, ever. :D

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Songs, these days.

few lyrics:

Should've kissed you there 
I should've held your face 
I should've watched those eyes 
Instead of run in place 
I should've called you out 
I should've said your name 
I should've turned around 
I should've looked again 

- Parachute with The Mess I made

Circus life under the big top world 
We all need the clowns to make us smile 
Through space and time 
Always another show 
Wondering where I am lost without you 
And being a part ain't easy on this love affair 
Two strangers learn to fall in love again 
I get the joy of rediscovering you 

Oh Boy 
you stand by me 
I'm forever yours 


- Glee Casts with Faithfully

Listen to your God 
This is our motto 
Your time to shine 
Don't wait in line 
Y vamos por todo 

People are raising 
Their expectations 
Go on and feed them 
This is your moment 
No hesitations 

- Shakira with Waka Waka (this time for Africa)

But how do you thank someone 
who has taken you from crayons to perfume
It isn't easy but I'll try
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky 
in letters that would soar a thousand feet high 
To Sir with love.

The time has come
for closing books and long last looks must end
And as I leave
I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me right from wrong
and weak from strong 
That's a lot to learn. 

-To sir with love



I'm back to school and dealing with those trigonometric identities, biology and all of the chemical reactions. HUFF wish me luck with all new teachers, readapt with them is hard. ;p

Thursday, July 15, 2010


i just experienced kekosongan di dalem Papa Lord. Kosong banget, bisa jadi males atau malah dibilang jauhhhhhh banget. gw ngetweet di twitter, di RT ama Jong
Gak lama kmudian dia update status dan off dia bilang ngerasa ada yg kosong.

What a coincidence, ternyata tweet gw bs negur juga
teguran buat gue khususnya dan org lain
gw jg gatau knp bs kosong begini
yg jelas ini bahaya dan a BIG prob

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

High school

YEAHHHH hari ini parents orientation day. Gak terasa besok bakal mulai jadi seorang pelajar memakan seragam putih abu-abu (kalo untuk binus putih coklat). Wah, wah terasa amat sangat tua yah jadinya. 

I'm in 10J, and my new CA is Mr Mulyadi :D
hope its another fun and exciting year!

Papa Lord, please bless each of us, banyak banget Pa anak barunya, smoga kita bisa saling kenal dan mingle satu sama lain. dan smoga tiap anak baru baik2 smua. Bless our high school batch like You've blessed our middle school batch. I believe, what You've planned is the greatest thing in my life :)


heyyy this is my first post of the month. udah lama gak nulis, dan rasanya pengen nyampah di sini ;p I went to Thailand and yeah it was good. And school season is gonna start. New stage, new life. Hello high school. gonna update more. stay tuned for more, maaf kalo akan ngebacot sangat and i'll be sharing my pics here :*

Monday, June 28, 2010


hey all... hari ini saya jalan lagi. YA dan itu mendadak. mom telp dan menawarkan jalan bareng lusye lina and my bro. whoa and mom agreed. dan saya pergi ke SMS and watched cerita mainan 3 lagi. I never get bored, especially the part "the claaaaaaaaw" and on the credits "oooh romeo romeo" :D by the pizza planet aliens and the escape plans which is amazing. And I bought a water tumbler, with TOY STORY 3 characters on it and a pizza planet alien on top of it :DDD superb. wanna buy more! 

Some grab:
here is my playlist. *hopefully* as you can see, my bieber songs have been played > 30 times.

Here, orang MSN terdikit yang ol selama liburan ini, ;p

Look! My twitter display picture. Taken by my mac photobooth and I was tooking the pictures with Susan. Look at the kewl light :D as you can see, Susan is hidden behind the light.

Yes, I've been hijacking my bro's headphones :D teehee *I love the green color of the headphones*
ANNNNNNNNNND its nearly midnight. Yeah, tuesday already? WOOOHOOOO a day before the day :) I had made a decision. After long-tweeting-session with bunga and chat session with ci yuri. I'm able to decide the great big deal. Thank You Papa Lord, for Your grace and mercy, for what You've done in my life :)
I realized, I owe you much. :*

**sorry buat terrrrrrrrible grammar mistakes ;p tumblr influenced me to write in english hahha


HEYYYY. lama tak jumpa. saya mengalami banyak hal. :D sabtu kmarin, pas youth Fita ama gw loh yang siapin games nya dari jauh2 hari. gw yang beli kado, ampe saking sibuknya gw abis music jam session ama anak2 gw ga balik pulang. sambil makan*ampe lupa makan -_- tp pada k kantin langganan bareng* gw sambil nulis2 siapin semuanya. tapi itu worth it bangettt. karena, rame dan sukses! yay yay thanks Lord. 

tadinya mau ngerjain thya d greja, tapi dia ga dateng, jadi rame2 kita samperin k rumahnya. dan thanks to JJ skenario sirem2nya gagal dah, udah keburu d sirem pake tepung dulu. sabar yaaa tii. ;D we all excited to do that ;D

minggu ya as well, greja, temenin papa treatment. ate ice cream, trus pergi ke someone else's wed. istrinya cantik banget :D i never get bored whenever i look to the newlywed. The photographers were all young and the band itself had a great music composition and voice. They performed many top songs I like :D

YES YES YES YES THANKS PAPA LORD :*** IT'S CONFIRMED YETTTT. gonna get my baby cam! MOM AND DAD ARE GOING TO BUY IT WITH ME ON WEDNESDAYYYY~ total awesomeness. di PRJ, hopefully what I want ada xDDD never know what has persuaded mom/dad to buy me one. padahal duluuuuuuu, mom and dad bilang: enggak ah ce, mahal. ga guna, lalala. ;P ahhhh :) I have an awesome Papa Lord. HE knows my prayer x)

btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACEEEE, ASTRID, adiknya ci agnes yang cantiks skaliiii. hihihi ace is one of my blog fans ever ;p she even requested me to put a birthday tag on my blog :PP selamat ulang tahun di dalam pesawat yaaa nak, selamat bersenang-senang di aussie! WYATB, Gbu. have a great one! *pastilah, dirayain d pesawat plus aussie ;D oleh2 yaaa*

oh ya and last Sunday *gw telat 30 menitz nih postnya ;pp* HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCHELL!

Friday, June 25, 2010

kangen ngejawab soal survey ini di friendster. BANGET :( 

35 Little Secrets:

[ZERO] Who was your last text from?

A friend.

[ONE] Where was your default pic taken?

At my homie.

[THREE] Your relationship status?

Single aye.

[FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?

Yeah, and it's sad.

[FIVE] What is your current mood?


[SIX] What's your brother's name?


[SEVEN] What is/are your favorite colour(s)?

Black, green, blue, and red.

[EIGHT] Where do you wish you were right now?

I dont know.

[NINE] Have you ever been in trouble with the cops?


[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?


[ELEVEN] Something you do a lot?


[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?




[FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?

Dunno, I forgot.

[FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?

Everyone that I love.

[SIXTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?

Never know. 

[SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?



I didnt, silly.

[NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?

Breathing, blinking, typing, thinking, answering these questions.

[TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?

Papa Lord, family, and several people.

[TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

At Baleno shop.

[TWENTY-TWO] Who did you hold hands with last? Did it mean anything?

Cha-cha. Yes, cause she's my friend.

[TWENTY-THREE] What is your lucky number?

9 or 14. maybe 3 or 10.

[TWENTY-FOUR] Who is your friend that is closest to you?


[TWENTY-FIVE] Describe your life in one word.


[TWENTY-SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?


[TWENTY-SEVEN] Who are you thinking of right now?

Someone, somewhere over the rainbow.

[TWENTY-EIGHT] What should you be doing right now?


[TWENTY-NINE] What did you do yesterday?

Went online, did some schedules, went to Teko with inka, alo, ical and watched movies.

[THIRTY] What are you listening to?

Music on a playlist.

[THIRTY-ONE] Who was the last person you hugged?


[THIRTY-TWO] Who do you hate at this moment?

I don't hate anyone.

[THIRTY-THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like?

Depends :P.

[THIRTY-FOUR] What is your natural hair colour?

Black and lil bit brownie right now.

[THIRTY-FIVE] Who was the last person to make you laugh?

Raditya Dika, by book! :D