Thursday, December 31, 2009

This is my 100th post in this year, Cheers

Mah last post in this beautiful 31st December, our last day before 2010. Hm ;) No wonder, Whats your new year's resolutions? Any wishes? HAHA
i made a new tumblr account. I was curious how it works. Open mine: 

But, still, I have my heart for you blogger =D I woke up late today, 11.25 a.m. peace y'all

I'm going to church soon. happy new year's eve.... Gbu
*Lord, please forgive my mistakes

merci beaucoup for visiting my blog.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Dear, today I just wrote a simple post. In the afternoon, my fear came back. Yes, Lord, I'm fragile. too fragile. I'll be with You Lord.

No wonder, time flies so fast. Tomorrow is two days before new year. Have you get your resolutions yet?

Monday, December 28, 2009


I cant go back online yesterday. I'm super exhausted! Guests have come here for hours! Ada darren, fanya, dede LAKRESIA KYELA YAZEA, ko roland, ce vani, ce intan, and elis! :) I'm happy kid

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I'm okay, I'm all right, I just need a time to be alone. It's okay rite? I want to runaway to somewhere I dont belong to, where my heart feels comfortable to unload all my burdens and thoughts before year ends. I miss my friends! Especially jope, nia, 9E, isa, anthon, lauren and others. Nia right now is in USA, she goes to LA, SF, many more. But Jope goes to Semarang, it's his tradition every year. I want to share lots and lots of my story with them. :)

When I type this post, it's when my mom and dad make open house in our home sweet home. We share the joy of Christmas together. Lots of food delicacies for sure, its been hours since we open our home. And I'm chatting with Jope and prinkaaa! Happy kiddo. Jope called me first. He asked me about the open house itself in my home. And, again, je" his younger bro iseng banget! jeje typed "Halo! U lop u pul' . I'm confused, but I realised who typed it, because I experienced this with jope's brother a lot. :D

jo says: (5:13:18 PM)
Gw balik msi tanggal dua
jo says: (5:13:30 PM)
Mana ada peer bwt liburan neh
jo says: (5:15:50 PM)
Aduh val - -
jo says: (5:16:07 PM)
Bnyk bgt tmn" gw yg diajak chat ama de" gw
Valensia says: (5:16:23 PM)
HAHAHA, iya apa? ade lu iseng parah
Valensia  says: (5:16:25 PM)
jo says: (5:16:31 PM)
Ampe bingung perasaan tdi gw g chatr ma mrk tpu ada chat box ny

I wanna laugh so badly, when I read this conv. hahaha. Prinka and I were discussing about physics. We havent done anything yet :(

Happy holiday dudes ;) enjoy yourself, I should go offline, more pipol are coming to my house

Friday, December 25, 2009

Many things to say #3 Merry Christmas

Postponed the post about Bandung.
There is something more important than that.
Love you Jesus, thanks for coming to this world. I love You, forgive me If I have done too many mistakes in my life. Happy birthday my dearest Father and friend. 
Aku mungkin belum punya kado natal, atau lebih tepatnya belum dan gak minta kado natal itu. Mungkin valen udah punya kado itu tersendiri. dan itu bener-bener spesial. Kado itu gak harus barangkan?
But Today I treated myself Christmas presents
I was hanging out with Kak Jul, Lusye, and Lina.
Saya nonton avatar lagi. dan I bought these things to make me feel happy...

see? these things make me happy. well itu sederhana banget, tapi I like it. Pertama, sarung hape merah dengan pola kucing :DDD

Lalu... Beard papa's cream puffs =D itu enak! dan yea i feel like i want to buy it

Last but not least, lollipops! :DDD

Well. gw udah menggila deh ama kak jul dan yang lain. And one of the best things hari ini, jope and I both like Avatar. dan jope is now so busted jayusnya parah!!!!
nih plesetannya dia:
Toruk macto basilus (lacto basilus) plesetan jayus

*** parah banget deh jayusnya

one more time, merry christmas friends. TO: jope&nia, jessie thya lina lusye kak julius, anthon isa lauren, jess g finna, Jong  farah , donny rico fita atilla lita febri priska rina aska, trifena chessa priscil kezia Y kezia F, dan semua yang gw gak bisa sebutin satu-satu :DDD

have a blessed time
**and in december posts I'm super camera-friendly valen. be joy people!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Many things to say #2 KKR reinhard Bonnke and HIllsong London live in concert

HAHA yeah maaf sempat off beberapa saat, saya ke Bandung with 9EEEE! maaf kalo gak OL berkali-kali dan gak eksis ;D. Mari kita lanjut tentang satu hari yang menggembirakan yang akan saya ceritakan. kalo pas tanggal 18 gw tuh sempet ngebatalin rencana nonton Hillsong karena takut macet, jadi saya pergi makan ke resto nya aqiu gw, tayang suki di pluit! abis itu shopping dan ke emporium ampe puas. Well saya di traktir sour sally 2x, yeaaah. gahol abis, dan makan pepper lunch, nyummm. 
Besoknya, jeng jeng. smsan ama thya tentang ibadah gitu, eh pada mau ntn KKR Reinhard Bonnke dan Hillsong live in concert. Gw mau ikutan asal ada transport bareng lusye. ehehe, dan puji Tuhan boleh pergi. Jadinya pergi deh ngumpul di gereja jam 2 langsung mengarah ke GBK -- gelora Bung Karno. The good news is gw dapet tiket VIP dari babeh gw XD yay. trus sempet juga twitteran ama jong, eh dia malah dapet tiket vvip. enak banget, bisa deket ama Hillsongnya. Pergi bareng febri, ka jul, thya, ama om hatma. kevin and cs nyusul
Acaranya so far so good. Inspiring banget. Ada disciples. ada yang choir-choir, yang nyiptain lagu Sentuh Hatiku, Mike Mohede, top deh. dan pas saat-saat yang ditunggu, Hillsong man! yea ada one way, take it all, shout unto God, Here I am to Worship, This is Our God, healer, dll. mantep, tapi kurang lama. Khotbahnya reinhard bonnke bagus, yea. we can unload the things yang jadi burdens kita selama ini. we are released.
Pulang duluan nih takut kemaleman, dan sempet mampir ke satu lagi kampoeng jajan, Gintung. YEAAAA, makan ayam penyet gila tuh sambel enak dan mantep banget to the max. hahaha ;DD really enjoy that day.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Many things to say

Sesuai dengan judulnya, banyak hal yang sangat ingin gw bagikan ke dalam blog ini xD. Pertama, We can sense the joy of Christmas already, walaupun belum pas dengan hari natalnya itu sendiri. Secara gereja gw natalan jauh-jauh hari sebelum hari H, makanya kita semua sibuk latihan, persiapin sebaik mungkin untuk natalan youth dan umum. Dan FYI gw seksi dekor untuk yang natalan youth dan sibuknya udah gila parah kayak apa tau. Karena ada yah lost contact sama temen gw yang satunya lagi, sempet kesel sih cuma yah mau natalan we all should be happy all time! Dan untuk yang umum, gw nari (something yang dulu gw lakukan tapi sekarang engga, kecuali natalan umum kali ini). Yang ikut nari sih ber7. Ada thya, lusye, sandy, meilisa, febri, selina, dan gueee! Kita nari pake lagunya True Worshippers yang --> Juruslamatku. Kalo gak salah sih  judulnya itu x)

mau lihat fotonya? hehee

Haha sorry for the blur pict ;) . Foto yang terakhir itu keliatan mangap gitu deh ==" tapi itu padahal pas gw nari sambil nyanyi. the reason is supaya gak gitu nervous dan tau patokan narinya.
Ya intinya pas natalan umum, I'm wayyyyy toooo feminine. I wore a zara black dress and heels nya nyokap gw :""( menyiksa banget dah. gw terpaksa make itu soalnya gw gak ada sepatu yang cocok buat dressnyaaa. hiks ampe malem gitu deh. Kita enjoy banget malem itu om Vetri Kumaseh sampein khotbahnya yang gak boring, dan perayaan mulai. yeeeeap, acara yang paling ditunggu ama anak2 youth itu pemutaran film atau pada bilang sinetron -_- anak-anak muda yang disutradarai oleh ko ricooo :DD. Pemeran utamanya Derry. Ada om kace, tante erni, james, daniel, om chandra, sama om iwan tukul 8) . tuh film kocak parah deh, LOL. mebawa berkat banget, dan ko rico edit filmnya keren abis
btw, here's some pics me wearing the black dress:

*I'm on righty side on this photos*

Haha, see beda banget kan gw? hihi. Sandy muji gw mulu ama si echa embul hahahaaa makasih ya kawans. love love yaaa. saking ramenya gitu yang dateng, ampe kita bagian youth, tim musik, dan kawan-kawan gak dapet konsumsi. wew x( padahal capek banget loh udah standby dari jam 4 untuk GR dan acara baru selesai jam setengah 11 malem. tepar banget. 
Tapiiii, the best thing is kami makan-makan di McD sepulang dari sahid, ihiy! Wogh makan ama lusye fita thya sellina dery putu rico donny dan smua yang melayani ampe jam 12an lewat. ada momen berjayus riaaa. asoy, ko rico jayusnya gak nahan hahaha. duh hape gw juga sempet ada gangguan pula =="
oke deh ini opening post for holiday! hahaha enjoy this one first and I'll post others later

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

1st December, 1st post for this month

yea, bloggie, and blogmates. hey! maaf ya kalo terakhir kali, kalo gw baca, blog gw penuh dengan uneg-uneg gw sendiri. promise me, harus be happy, and ucap syukur. 
happy December, December finally come. hahaha

phal, valensiaa, valens, Len, djv and whatsoever whatever my nickname is x)