Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ga bisa tidur

hebat, gw gak bisa tidur. LAGI, hmmmmmmmmm dan tiba-tiba tertarik ama bahasa latin loh. gara-gara nonton film COME WHAT MAY, yang ada quote latin gitu.

Contoh yang terkenal:
- Ora Et Labora (pray and work)
-Mens Sana In Corpore Sano ( A healthy mind in a healthy body)

coba cek di latin phrases om wikiped. or simply, tanya ama om google, banyak yang bagus. contoh:
- omne ignotum pro magnifico (everything unknown is magnificent)-->i took the second version translation
- Odi et amo (i hate and I love)
- facta, non verba (actions, not words)
- fortis est veritas (truth is strong)

try more in wikipedia, hope you'll get the right one. currently, jope sedang suka bengong ==' byeee

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