Sunday, August 15, 2010

2nd time

I just re-write my math tho... And I am bored. Thus, gonna share my agendas. I wanna prove that I'm busy and I'm the good girl at the same time, :D I did all the tasks. May Lord bless in me on this week onwards, more and more deeper. Gonna have 1st biology unit test, which content of two chapters, nutrition and enzymes. Hope I can make it. 

These are the proves, that besides I join the IGCSE classes, I also busy with these:

try to enjoy and struggle at the beginning of high school life. :D surviveee! 


UHM! attention :D Saya sedang bosan di hari Minggu yang menurut gw supeeeeeer sepi. aaaaaah gonna spend it all tho to study biology.... tapi ntar aja, saya sangat bosan dan jadinya blogging aja. lebih baik sedikit menulis, membaca, dan berhitung supaya stabil. :D 

pas waktu parasailing! it does look like a parachute right? YES! it reflects my gratitude to parachute band. They are like the new black in music. I always always love their songs and some of their lyrics. YES and lately I enjoy music jam sessions even though sibuk dengan hal skolah. ada suatu hal jg yg bikin gw takut, itu freakkkk parah tapi ga bisa bilang ._.

sip imma grab my durcol *tidurcolongan* alias tidur siang~ buhbyeeee Gbu

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I realllllllllllllly am going to say the truth. HOW HECTIC MY SCHOOL IS, i dont even get my freedom! haha but just try to enjoy it tho. humm and i am chosen to be the flag raising troops for our independence day! yay i have no more stuff to tell, too much. and i'm sleepy already

and happy birthday dear people! PEBE, cha-cha, jim, belinda, etc :D oh yaaa, ms shanty too

Monday, August 2, 2010

Warm August

Gak berasa yaaaa udah Agustus. wow, gonna share something dr anthun sbelum kesibukan menggila. :) enjoy

I think no one can explain the true definition of happiness, even a scientist, because it is a feeling that you can’t describe. In dictionary, it says that happiness is the feeling of being happy. From the definition from [in] the dictionary, I think that happiness is the product of some reaction, which means that something causes. We cannot feel happy without knowing something, seeing something, or doing something; that proves that happiness is the result of something and needs to realize.

About two years ago, I asked myself, ‘why are most children happy?’ and I did not know the answer, so, I thought about it when I have free time and try to understand. In the end I did not get the answer for a simple question that I asked myself. I thought I would never know the answer, so I gave up looking for the answer. One day, I was walking to my friend’s house and I passed a small shop, I bought two ice-creams - one for myself and one for my friend. On the way to my friend’s house I saw a child fall down from her bike, and there was no one there except me. I decided to go help her, as she was crying and bleeding when I reached her. She tried to get up after that, and without thinking, I gave the ice-cream to her and told her to sit down. She took the ice-cream that I gave her and ate it. I saw a smile on her face after she ate the ice-cream, and she thanked me, saying that no one usually helps her, so, she did not expect that I would. An idea crossed my mind about why children are always feel happy -- because they never chase after happiness. They let happiness follow them.

There are many people who want to feel happy, but, there is only one group of people who actually searches for it. The other group is just dreaming about feeling happy and wishing that happiness would come by itself. I think happiness is not an easy word to get or to feel. We cannot predict when it will come and when it will be gone, and where happiness is hiding when sadness comes, but I believe that sadness or difficult situations always come before happiness, because the results of sadness or difficult situations are  will lead to happiness.

Some people believe that happiness will come when you have found the best way to live your life; some people say that happiness is not about other people’s feelings but what you feel inside your heart; there also people who see happiness as a thing to achieve. There more than a thousand ways to see happiness, but I think happiness is caused by all things even sadness, if there are no such thing as sadness - there won’t be a noun called happiness

sometimes, i felt it the sameway. i want happiness to come over me :)

Gbu guys. enjoy xoxo