Saturday, October 31, 2009

31st October post

Its all about 31st october. But this post is delayed for ages, since I was busy. This week and next week is a hectic week. Cant imagine, how would my time be. Lately I've been inspired by ferdee. He's my drum teacher as you know. Yeah, cant tell you much longer here, but I'm really proud to have him as my drum instructor. :D 

I guess everything will be all right. Now, I am getting closer with Papa Lord.
My goals should be achieved soon.
And, maybe sekarang not everybody is breaking down, and throwing their love away
but, forgiving others is not as easy as we blink our eyes.

I enjoyed yesterday's ensemble. Yea, what a great steve smith. :D
wish me luck for add math and bahasa test tomorrow xD

Friday, October 16, 2009


Bener gak sih? Apa itu cuma pandangan sepandang aja?

How's my life right now?
Yeah, gw aja gak bisa jawab. How about you? :)

Fake or true happiness?
Can you guess?

updated on 23:19 p.m 
Gak bisa tidur, oh great. why is it? Hmm, sempet nyasar sms lagi k yoga (classmate) gara2 gw pake nomer recently used, terlalu nafsu mecet langsung gw pencet 2x jadi langsung ke kirim. wew. padahal si jope dah sasaran gw -_-. kan gw bilang udah sombong, lalala lama ga share ke dia, eh tiba-tiba my bestie ini ngomong "bsk lah val lu cerita-cerita k gw. udah lama ga share". Iya bener sih, tp seinget gw dia yang butuh cerita hahahaha :) anyway thanks bro. appreciate that. ga bisa tidur, gmn nih. jes G tidur, smua tidur :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Back, Keep in Touch Again with Besties

Hey ya. I'm back yo. I just had my busy days though. Hmm it's been two days since I was online again with my lappie. A very short update from me, it's been my second day woke up by 3.00 a.m and having my time with Papa Lord.
And another very short things that I want to share is, I just back keep in touch again with mu besties. Yea, my besties from different schools though. Jope and Nia, thanks a lot guys. Biasanya gw yang ada inisiatif sms/chat, but now, was not my turn to speak off to them. They asked me first. Nia texted me, jope by IM. We shared short stories though, and we were back again to our VERY own hectic days. But, I'm a happy kid with balloons and candy canes. 
Yea, special thanks to Antoniaaa, she helped me when I was depressed about add math, Jes G who cheered me up and Kezia F&Selda for listening to my stories. Yea, bersyukur selalu for everything. Thanks for being such a good friend of mine people. I admire that. Really, and hmm silly thing that I found is Ical with my plastic bag. HAHAHA it was funny. It boosts up my day today too, besides my friends also boost me up too.
thats all short update, toodles. Good bye, Gbu

Thursday, October 8, 2009

And Again, Feeling Alone and Left Behind

Tiba-tiba aja pulang dari sekolah mood berantakan. Gak tau kenapa, rasanya gw bakal nyampah di blog gw. Udah gw ngerasain jadi gak bener, tambah jauh lagi dari Lord, dan mungkin gw udah lupa rasanya bersyukur gimana, bener-bener gw kehilangan jati diri gw. Di sekolah mungkin pada ngeliat I'm doing fine, tapi sebenernya engga. Kadang, I fake my own happiness. Gw udah ngelakuin satu kesalahan terbesar dan I can't change that. I should take control over my life again. Not school not internet not my parents not anyone else that drives my life. Yea, not them. Gw tetep ngelakuin kesalahan yang sama, dan mungkin kalo Papa Lord di sini dia bakal bosen ngeliat gw begini terus. Tapi, gw sadar lagi kalo Papa Lord's love itu long last, gak akan pernah ada abisnya buat gw. Dia tetep punya cara sendiri untuk hajar gw di sini. Dia mungkin aja kasih gw masalah dan juga penyakit ataupun apa yang kadang kita sendiri sebagai manusia suka ngasih respon yang salah sama kejadian itu.

Ya, kayak lagu The Almost yang gw denger waktu itu (tau dari salah satu temen gw). dari liriknya ada yang bilang :
I'm the type of person who lets fear drive
I'm the type of guy that's in drive
Cause I'm addicted
I mean it
I'm lost without You
I need You
I need You

*You nya = Papa Lord

Itu yang gw rasain kadang-kadang secara engga langsung. kadang kita juga takut ama hal apa yang akan terjadi di depan kita. pernah ngerasain takut yang berlebihan? Gw pernah. Hasilnya, gw gak bisa tidur sama sekali dan sakit perut. Gw gak nangis, kecuali emang gw harus lawan sendirian mungkin gw bakal nangis. Yang gw tau secara pasti gw selalu bareng Papa Lord, tapi gw ngejauh terus dari Dia, seems gw jadi seorang anak yang gatau diri dari Papanya. Papa Lord juga pasti ngajarin gw untuk mandiri dan hadapin masalah gw sendiri. Tapi kayak yang waktu itu gw pernah denger, bukan masalahnya yang salah, tapi respon kita yang salah ke masalah itu. 

Gue juga suka begitu, kalopun gw berubah, gw jadi ngerasa gw gak kenal siapa diri gw sendiri. Capek feeling lonely dengan kehidupan yang gak perfect sama sekali, dengan keadaan gw harus ngeliat semuanya. I miss my time to share my stories with my bff-that sounds like my siblings. tapi kadang kan mereka gak bs di reach karena mereka punya juga masalah di daily life. anyway and anyhow, gw edit blog gw with something, mungkin hal ini jelas terpampang di blog gw.

Gw masukkin musik ke dalem sini. Gw lagi cukup sering denger lagu ini. Pussycat dolls- stickwitu and incognito- still a friend of mine. yang nampol adalah lirik stickwitu, kalo yang incognito i just loved their jazz compositions. easy listening tapi worth it. (y) Ini potongan lirik nya Stickwitu:
I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind
Seems like everybody is breaking up
Throwing their love away
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say [Hey]

Ini sih lirik pembukanya doang tapi itu yang paling gw suka. Itu bener-bener jadi bahan pemikiran gw berhari-hari. baca itu and think about it. Itu realita diseluruh dunia, bahkan kadang di rumah sendiri kita gak bisa nemuin kasih itu sendiri. Love itu bukan berarti ---- I should own a boyfie or girlfriend, no no no. That's not the point. Tapi arti itu luas banget, dari kasih orang tua lu mungkin, temen lu sendiri atau sodara dan orang lain. Satu love yang remains the same in my opinion, itu Papa Lord. No one will change that.

Gw gak peduli ya ada boyfriend or not, atau being somewhat imperfect. Tapi ini the way I feel to the world. Gw gak perfect sama sekali, mungkin I can't inspire people, maybe people doesn't need me to help them, atau bahkan terlupakan. Tapi kadang satu hal yang pengen gw minta, people accepts me seapa adanya gw. Akhir-akhir ini gw gak ngerasain kasih itu sendiri, dengan kata lain itu hambar. tapi I'm trying to be happy and to give my best effort ever to my life.

Gotta go, maaf panjang. tapi thats the thing yang harus gw keluarin, unless... gw ribet sendiri
tugas numpuk d weekend ini. and btw i'm coming to firda's 17th bday bash, hhehehhe
for those of you yang dateng, selamat yaaaaa liat gw feminim jadi cewek gitu deh hahahaha 
-______- thats all, dan hari ini PTC. hope best best results that I got

xoxo, someone that wishes for peace. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Closing post about holiday

Hey. Maaf lama gak update kadang lagi ngerasa nulis ga ngalir dengan lancaaaaar. Hmm welcome back school. I just move my ass off to school again :D Tapi gw cukup seneng balik ke sekolah. ketemu temen-temen lagi lalu, bisa mengurangi rasa kesepian gw selama liburan. Liburan gw seminggu terakhir bener-bener gak enak. Sempet agak muak, tapi gw bisa ngelewatinnya. Home alone gitu, terus yah kakek gw meninggal di minggu terakhir gw liburan :(. tapi udah dilewatin dengan sangat baik, thanks God. jadi gw sempet ke Bangka, attended my grandpa's funeral. tapi
Tugas hari Senin aja udah seabrek. dari term 1 lanjut lagi tugasnya ke term 2. kayak tugas chemistry, tests, performance tasks, homeworks, sudah menunggu. it sounds awful, tapi gw kangen banget sama sleepless night karena kerjaan skolah-bukan karena gw pengen bergadang atau gw gak bisa tidur. ini nulis lagi ngalir tapi pendek banget.

oh ya, I've been inspired by Yuri. She's my far away friend that always keep in touch with me by chatting or wall on facebook. Dia selalu menyampaikan hal yang sama. To always be happy. tapi emang kadang kita fake it. gw juga kadang gitu, gak ada yang tau apa dalemnya. mungkin dari luar kita happy tapi tertuduh juga sama orang. ya itu yang kadang gw rasain. stella, temen gw pernah ngasih julukan blognya nothing as it seems. itu bener, ga semua yang orang liat bener. mereka blum liat kenyataannya. right guys, gotta go. bye, God bless ya